


The energy which goes outward from our body while practising yogasana and pranayama is stopped by us and turned inward by bandhas (locks). Bandha only means to tie, to stop. These bandhas (locks) are great aids to pranayama. Without bandhas, pranayamas are incomplete. These bandhas are Jalandhar Bandh, Uddyan Bandh and Mulabandh described below in proper order.

Jalandhar Bandh

Sit erect in padmasana or siddhasana and fill the breath inside. Both the hands should rest on the knees. Bending the chin downwards and resting it on the throat pit is called Jalandhara- bandha. The gaze should be fixed between the eyebrows. The chest is to be stretched forward. This bandh keeps the na§di- network in the throat tied up (strong and tight)
  • The throat becomes sweet, melodious and attractive. 
  • With the closure of ida, pingala nadis due to contraction of throat the prana enters into susumna (spinal cord). 
  • It is beneficial in all the diseases of throat. It is worth practising in diseases of thyroid, tonsils, etc. 
  • It awakens the visuddhi cakra (carotid plexus). 

Uddyan Bandh

The procedure which raises, elevates the prana and makes it enter into susumna (spinal cord) is called uddyana - bandha. While standing rest the hands on both the knees in the normal natural way. Breathe out and let the stomach relax. Raise the chest a little upward while applying 'jalandhara- bandha'. Suck the stomach inward toward the spine, as much as you can. Breathe again and repeat the procedure. To begin with, three times is sufficient. Gradually practise more times. Similarly, practise this bandha in padmasana or siddhasana also.
  • Cures all stomach ailments. 
  • Awakens pranas and cleanses manipura- cakra (solar plexus) 


Sitting in siddhasana or padmasana, apply bahya or abhyantara kumbhaka and stretch upward the anus and urinary organ. In this bandha the region below the navel is stretched upward. This bandha is easy to apply with the help of bahya kumbhaka. Those who are well-versed in yogic practices apply this bandha as a normal posture for several hours. Long practice should be done under somebody's guidance.
Apana vayu moves upward and unites with prana. Thus, this bandha awakens the mμuladhara cakra (pelvic plexus) and is very helpful in the awakening of kundalini (serpent power).
This bandha is excellent in curing constipation and piles and for toning up the digestive system.
It causes the upward movement (urdhvaretas) of semen and is therefore very important for celibacy.


Applying all the three bandhas simultaneously while sitting in any meditative pose like padmasana, etc., is called 'mahabandha'. All the aforesaid benefits can be obtained through it. All these three bandhas are applied in kumbhaka.
  • Prana moves upward. 
  • The semen gets purified and strength increases. 
  • Mahabandha causes the union of ida, pingala and susumna.

For Complete Pranayama Step by Step Sequence with Asana, Suksham Vyayayam And Mudras ... click here . 

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  1. Excellent article for the aspirant by a reliable Indian Guru
