

Divya Badam Pak

Swami Ramdev Divya Badam Pak - The word almond (badam) comes from old French almande or allemande. It is called badaam in Hindi. The almond is a native to an area stretching from the northen Indian subcontinent westwards to Syria, Israel and Turkey. It was spread by humans in ancient times along the shores of the Meditarian into northen Africa and southern Europe and more recently transported to other parts of the world notably California.almond is among the earliest cultivated food in history. 
Main Ingredients:
Almond, Badaam.
Therapeutic Uses: Divya Badam Pak
  • Divya Badam Pak –the ultimate energy source
  • Divya badam pak is also very good for hair growth.
  • Divya badam pak also improves movement of the food through the gut this is because almond skin contains fibre which is good for digestion and also prevents peptic ulcers and colonic cancer. Divya badam pak also works as demulcent which will quench your thirst and relieve your irritation at the mucous surfaces.
  • Divya badam pak provides you weight loss also because latest research has shown that a moderate fat almond contains diet results in greater satiety and sustained weight loss as compared to a low fat diet containing containing the same amount of daliy calories.divya badam pak works as energy booster.
  • Divya badam pak is a rich source of vitamin E (especially alpha-tocopherol form of vitamin E that is most efficiently used by the human body) containing 24 mg per 100 gm. Divya badam pak is also rich in monounsaturated fat, one of the two ‘good’ fats responcible for lowering LDL(low density lipoprotein) cholesterol and elevating HDL(high density lipoprotein). A controlled trial showed that 50-100 g of divya badam pak in the daily diet reduced LDL cholesterol by as much as 9.4 % and increase HDL cholesterol by 4.6%.

10 gm twice a day with milk. However, it is better to consult your health care provider before adopting this therapy.

Divya Badam Pak - Detailed Description:

A wild form of domesticated almond is also known which contains the glycoside amygdalin which becomes transformed into deadly prussic acid(hydrogen cyanide) after crushing ,chewing or any other injury to the seed before cultivation and domestication occurred wild almonds were harvested as food and doubtless were processed by leaching or roasting to remove their toxicity. Domesticated almonds appear in the early bronze age (3000-2000 BC) of the near east or possibly a little earlier.
The sweet almond itself contains practically no carbohydrates and may therefore be made into flour for cakes and cookies for low carbohydrates diets of for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus or any other form of glycosuria. Almond flour is gluten free and therefore a popular ingredient in cookery in place for wheat flour for gluten sensitive people and people with wheat allergies and coeliac disease.
Throughout the history almonds have maintained religious, ethnic and social significance. Almonds are appreciated in the Indian culture not only for their crunch but also for their nutritive and other health sustaining properties.
Divya badam pak helps in fighting diabetes and heart diseases. The presence of powerful nutrients like proteins, dietery fibre, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) vitamin E and other phytochemicalswhich are plant chemicals that may provide protection against heart disease, stroke, and other chronic diseases. Make it a rich diet source for combating degenerating diseases such as diabetes and heart diseases.
Also it contains magnesium potassium, calcium, phosphorous, iron, selenium, saponins and other antioxidants.
The folic acid present in it is believed to help in lowering the levels of homocystein (the amino acid that is thought to contribute to the build of fatty plaques in arteries. Intake of divya badam pak also improves complexion, removes skin dyness and the scaling of skin.Thus people who want to have healthy beautiful skin- start taking it.
There is a myth that divya badam pak can be consumed only in winters but it is not true.
Divya badam pak can be consumed throughout the year. Infact if taken regularly divya badam pak is very beneficial in combating life style diseses as obesity and other cardiovascular diseases.the common belief that it causes body heat has not been verified scientifically.so it can be safely taken in summers as well.
In ayurveda divya badam pak is considered as a nutritive for brain and nervous system.it is also said to induce high intellectual level and longevity. It also boosts up the immunity.
Divya badam pak basically pacifies vata thus can be given to patients suffering from vata disorders as joints pain, Alzheimer’s disease etc. Divya badam pak also helps to gid rid of various mental disorders which are basically stress related along with some other ayurvedic medicines.
Divya badam pak should be taken under ayurvedic physician advice as sometimes people who are allergic to sweet almonds may have hazardous effects. Also as sweet almonds lower the blood sugar level so it should be cautiously given to diabetic patients.
Sweet almonds also have estrogen like activity.a study in mice reports hair loss and inflammation in the leg joints. So the preparation of divya badam pak should include good quality of almonds.

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